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Monday, January 11, 2010

Online Marketing tips for 2010

Welcome to 2010!
After an appalling year, which we all would now like to erase from our minds and

cast out of existance, many of us are (hoping) that 2010 will be the year to

replace it.

Here are 10 top online marketing tips to ensure success in 2010

1) Consider your Budget. Always top of the list, and may well be somewhat
diminished this year. The idea here is to make yours go further. Thats why tip 1 is
to consider your budget before setting your online marketing plan. By evaluating
statistics and campaigns in 2008 and 2009, you can pinpoint where your budget
was producing results and where it, well ...wasn't. For example, you invested 25%
budget into your organic SEO and 50% into sponsered advertising. Despite the
fact that your statistics are telling you that the quantity of clicks was greater for your sponsered ads, your actual conversion (and profit) was low. Now may be the
best time swap - Organic 50% and Sponsered 25%.

2) Anyone need training? - We all need training from time-to-time, and generally
we send staff off for a day or a week for an unmentional sum of money. Well, how
about training in-house. For half a day a week, one member can mentor another.
One of the bonuses with working online, is that everything is readily available, so
training others doesn't have to mean installing numerous bits of software.

3) Check providers - Now is also a great time to consider if changing providers,
agencies etc would save money or if training someone in-house would replicate
the same results.

4) Who's the Competition - Spend some time watching your competition - thats
the usual competitors, new entrants and those cross-selling or diversifying.

5) Be social - Never underestimate the benefit of social interaction - BLOGS,
social media, PR etc, it's free in the main and helps to form relationships, provides better customer service and loyalty.

6) Market research - The marketing community know that last year's big idea is
this year's rubbish. Research what's happening now and ideas which are forming.
Consider new technologies, watch for company partnerships and above all - listen
to your customers online. All this will impact on the market of tommorrow.

7) Freshen up - Use 2010 as an excuse to update your website pages. Simple
changes in copy, images and adding new media content will do.

8) Think outside the box - You've researched the market, you know what your
competition are doing - now think of those innovative ideas. Don't be scared to try them out!

9) Reviews and responses - Your customers are king, and so is their feedback. If
you are resonding to customer demands and needs, make sure you know what
they are first. If you sell products, ask for a review. If it's a service, ask your
happy customers to recommend.

10) It's all in the stats - And lastly, don't guess or base all your decisions on what flopped last year. Analyse your statistics for in-depth insights. Use your analytics to best advantage by monitoring each month. Set up goals, event tracking,
integrate campaign statistics with website ones ... This way, you can give yourself a clearer picture of real-time analytics and trends, then make changes as and when you need them.

Good luck for 2010!

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